A fisherman from Coffs Harbour when phoning me to report a UFO sighting at the Coffs Harbour Jetty one evening, told me of another strange incident that occurred to him some time ago.
He was about 10 Klm out to sea off Coffs Harbour fishing alone in his medium sized motor boat. He had been fishing for a number of hours, and had quite a catch on board. He looked at his watch and noted that the time was 11:30pm. He thought to himself that he had better head to shore and get the catch off to market, otherwise he would have to keep the fish in the chillers over the week-end.
He remembers starting the motor of his boat, and sitting on the stern to begin his 10 Klm journey back to shore. The next thing he remembers is looking at his watch again. This time it was now well after 2:00am and the unexplainable thing was, that he was still 10 Klm off shore. He said he had been heading directly into shore, but after nearly three hours, he was no further advanced on his return journey.
It was a clear starry night, and he had seen something unusual in the night sky earlier in the evening. He had noticed a ô star ô like light that looked different to the other stars in the sky. It was stationery for a while, then moved at a steady pace over the inland until it just went out.
Now 2:30 am, and still 10 Klm out to sea, the fisherman continued his journey to Coffs Harbour. When he eventually arrived and unloaded his catch, he was now too late to pack his fish for the markets, and had to freeze his catch otherwise he would have lost the lot. To this day he is puzzled by the three hours of lost time from that strange night at sea, and is looking forward to his Hypnotherapy session to see what he may have encountered.